How to Write a Good Essay Introduction | Aleyah Smith Aleyah Smith: How to Write a Good Essay Introduction
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Wednesday, 30 April 2014

How to Write a Good Essay Introduction

First impressions are crucial to reeling in an audience --- whether it be on a date, meeting your girlfriend's or boyfriend's parents, or writing an essay. If your essay introduction fails to capture the reader's interest, then the rest of the essay will fall on deaf ears. A good essay introduction needs to be convincing, cohesive and coordinating. Essay introductions with a clearly defined point in an exciting package mean the difference between a good intro and a sleeping aid.


Write from the general to specific. Introduce a broad term (for example: religion) and work your way to a specific term (Buddhism). This should be done in one to two sentences at the most.

2 Present the context of what you will discuss within the essay. Provide a clear statement the reader can identify with and familiarize with the discussion. For example, explain the body of the content in a brief one- to two-sentence description as it relates to the thesis of your essay.

3 Formulate a thesis (central idea of your essay) in a straightforward manner. Your thesis should include the content you plan to discuss in each body paragraph in order of first to last.

4 Revise your introductory paragraph for grammatical errors. Ensure that the content is structured properly, and that the central thesis is introduced in the order you plan to discuss it in your body paragraphs.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid clichés and vague introductions. 

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