Creative Ways to Write an Essay | Aleyah Smith Aleyah Smith: Creative Ways to Write an Essay
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Monday, 28 April 2014

Creative Ways to Write an Essay

Writing an essay of any length is time-consuming and can prove frustrating, especially when you are staring at a blank page and you're not sure how to begin. When you get frustrated, it is easy to want to give up and do something else, but there are a few creative ways to write an essay that will help you get started writing and also help build your confidence as a writer.


Instead of sitting down and staring at a blank computer screen, sit instead on the couch or in a comfortable chair and freewrite on your topic. With freewriting, you sit with paper and pen and just write whatever pops into your head. Assuming you already have a topic in mind, you would be engaging in a focused freewrite. You will be amazed at how far you can get with your essay writing when you have a focused freewrite to work from. Furthermore, freewriting is much more fun and active than staring at an empty page.

Write What You Know

Once you have settled on a topic, go to your computer, word processor or pad of paper and write everything you know about that topic. Write descriptions of places and people that relate to your topic; you can even guess at dates and times of events. Just remember to verify dates, times and names before completing your essay. While it seems strange to make up dates, names and times, doing so helps you to keep writing so you are less likely to stop and quit. Also, writing what you know helps to build your confidence. You'll find you usually know more than you think.

Write the Body First

Don't waste time struggling over the introduction. If you are stuck on that blank page and can't get started writing, write the body of your essay first. You probably already have some points in mind that you would like to cover, so write those first. Once you get the body of the essay written, you can go back with renewed energy and confidence and write the introduction as well as the conclusion.

Avoid Rigid Reliance on Outlines

An outline is an effective tool to get your ideas down and ordered, but relying too heavily on it can hinder your ability to branch out into valid, relevant points. Ultimately, you should use your outline as only a guide to writing.

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